sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

future job?

I don’t really know what kind of job I want to have; I think that this is because I don’t know very well if it’s the sociology is the career that I want to follow. But, exists some things that makes me have a “clue” that I want to do, or better, that I don’t want to do. 

It’s sad to remember the first day of classes when everybody said and thought that sociology could "change the world" and then, encounter with subjects with nothing to do with that wish. It's made you feel that changing the world was becoming more distant as more you sank in the academic world and university.

But not everything is so bad, I think that contribute to social change depends on each one of us, while we oriente the discipline to the real problems of our country and our people.

For this reason there are places where a sociologist may contribute to this change, such as foundations, NGOs and some organizations dependent on the State. But always taking into consideration and horizon the actual social problems: bad distribution of income, poverty, social segregation, education, health and housing, among other thousands of problems of our society.

When you choose a job I think there are important aspects to consider, such as: who you're working it, because is useless wanting to contribute to social change and work to the great economic and political groups that exploit and oppress our people .

To conclude, I have no idea that I would say in a job interview. That sort of thing cause me a bit of rejection. Especially when people have to "describe" themselves and talk about their thousands of "potential" and no weaknesses, WHAT A LIE.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Free theme: CATS!!

Hi friends!

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite animal. The cat.

The cat is a mammal of the feline family, like the lion and tiger. It follows that the family of the felines is very varied.The cats are small domestical animals, soft, tender, friendly, loving and very clean. Is one of the most popular pets around the world. Domestic cats usually live between 14 and 20 years.

The physical characteristics of cats are: agility, they have a long tail, they have a great ear (they can move each ear independently of the other) and generally, their senses are much more developed than the humans. There are many different races of cats (approximately 80). Every race of cat has its own patterns based on physical characteristics such as hair length, color or drawings of the coat.

I love cats because I always had cats as pets. They are very faithful and always make good company. Also, I think that they are the cutest thing that exists in the world. nothing is more tender than a cat sleeping and purring.

As I said before they are perfect pets that can live with you. in addition, they require very little cares and are very self-sufficient.

A freak detail: probably because of their agility and strength, and his ability to fall on their feets, is said that they have seven lives, a number considered good luck. Moreover, in many cultures are considered sacred animals.

What about you? What is your favorite animal?
I hope you like cats.

How green are you?

Hi friends!

Today I'm going to talk about caring the enviroment

In the last time, the global warming has become in one of the most important problems that we have as society in the world, crossingall the political opinions, social classes or place where people live, because the environment is very important for everyone, and we all have to be able ton save our world of the destruction that ourselves have done.

In that sense, nowadays is very easy to find information about environmentally friendly practices, because they are disseminated by the governmets, ONG’s and companies, encouraging practices like the recycling and making it more easy to do. For example, in my house, we recycle an important part of the garbage, and it’s very easy because there is a truck that goes every week to take the recycling. Also I try to don’t use electric machines as it’s possible, don’t waste water unnecessarily and I go everywhere in my bike when it’s possible too, because I live a little far of the places I use to go to. Some years ago, I have been working in a organization that plants trees in the Santiago’s hills, but I have stopped working there.

I think that all these everyday practices are very important to take care of the environmet, but all those things that the normal people use to do, must be accompainde with politics that regulates the big industries, because they pollute a lot of the pollution produced in the world, and sometimes is better for them to pay more taxes than having a way of production more friendly with the environment.