jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Free theme: CATS!!

Hi friends!

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite animal. The cat.

The cat is a mammal of the feline family, like the lion and tiger. It follows that the family of the felines is very varied.The cats are small domestical animals, soft, tender, friendly, loving and very clean. Is one of the most popular pets around the world. Domestic cats usually live between 14 and 20 years.

The physical characteristics of cats are: agility, they have a long tail, they have a great ear (they can move each ear independently of the other) and generally, their senses are much more developed than the humans. There are many different races of cats (approximately 80). Every race of cat has its own patterns based on physical characteristics such as hair length, color or drawings of the coat.

I love cats because I always had cats as pets. They are very faithful and always make good company. Also, I think that they are the cutest thing that exists in the world. nothing is more tender than a cat sleeping and purring.

As I said before they are perfect pets that can live with you. in addition, they require very little cares and are very self-sufficient.

A freak detail: probably because of their agility and strength, and his ability to fall on their feets, is said that they have seven lives, a number considered good luck. Moreover, in many cultures are considered sacred animals.

What about you? What is your favorite animal?
I hope you like cats.

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