viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

free theme: requiem for a dream

Hi friends! Today I’m going to talk about one of my favorites things: watch movies. But, I want to talk about a specific movie, was a difficult choice because I’m completely in love with the films and I have a lot of favorites movies so… it was a difficult decision.
Well, I will talk about “Requiem for a Dream”.
The movie shows the life of Sara, who spends her days alone, watching infomercials, and pining for her youngness. Her son Harry is a drug addict who spends his time creating music. Harry’s girlfriend Marion fancies herself a fashion designer, but is also a drug addict. It’s summer, and Sara gets a random phone call announcing that she’s won a chance to appear on a game show. She decides she’s going to fit into her favorite red dress when the time comes and starts a doctor prescribed weight loss regiment that includes drugs.
The film depicts different forms of addiction, leading to the characters’ imprisonment in a world of delusion and desperation that is subsequently overtaken and devastated by reality. I like this movie because it shows things in a very realistic way and have an amazing soundtrack, also it brings back great memories of my school times.
I hope to you see and enjoy this masterpiece!

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