viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

the first term of 2012

Today I’m going to talk about my experiences during the firth term of 2012. I was coursing the first semester of the second year of sociology and I learned economy, sociological theory, quantitative techniques, statistics, and social history of Chile.

I always had problems with the class of economy because it was very early in the morning and almost never went. However, I passed the course and in my opinion I think I learned a lot. Academically, the first half of this year was pretty good.

During the first semester, I had to go to the gym of the university because it was part of the obligatory subjects that have the career. Then, I discovered that my physical condition had deteriorated too much since I graduated from school. (The good life and the shameless, the saying goes).

Another important thing that happened at this time is that my best friend knew she was going to have a baby, and everybody are very happy about it.

Hope you are all well, dear classmates. Goodbye.

6 comentarios:

  1. Pleas tell us more about your experience of being a political prisoner

  2. Now that I read about your life, I think you're the best women I could have known in prison.

  3. political prisoner hahahhaha! ''mas vivita''

  4. in another post i will talk about my experience being a political prisoner
